My current favorite daily fantasy sports tool company, FantasyLabs has released their fantasy PGA lineup optimizer for DraftKings.
Editors note *At the time this was written, there was a free one week trial. You may have missed out on it, but you can still take advantage of a “5 day trial” for only $15.95!
Golf Lineup Optimizer Tutorial & Review
Let’s break down the features.
Player Ratings – This is actually totally free and not a premium upgrade. You can go in and see how their pro’s rate each golfer. You can utilize the data to help build your lineups totally free of charge. I love it. There are tons of sorting options and different stats you can sort by. Let’s take a look at some screen shots. Just go to FantasyLabs, create a free account and click on the PGA tab.

Player ratings allow you to quickly sort and rank players based on different categories.
The data comes from the previous 75 weeks of PGA stats. It is adjusted for field strength and course difficulty. You can find and sort data until your hearts content.
Trends: – trends allow you to leverage their massive stats database and find profitable fantasy trends.

Use or tweak and existing trend or create your own.
Create your own trends or use others made by pro’s. A trend allows you to put together something to check their database for and see how well that trend predicts fantasy points positively or negatively.
Let’s click on one of the trends and see more.
Once you have the results from a trend you are looking at you can tweak it by adding filters. Therse are the main filters you can apply.
- Player Filters
- Long-Term Form Filters
- Recent Form Filters
- Fantasy Course Filters
- Fantasy Season Filters
- Fantasy Month Filters
- Vegas Filters
- Time Filters
- Trends
If you click on each of the filters you can dive down into sub-filters. There is a ton of data.
Once you add a filter, they back test it instantly to see if it is better or worse.

Notice that number has increased after I added 2 filters? That’s good for me and my lineups!
You add filters to trends and they instantly backtest the filter against historical data to see if it improves or not. If so you have (in theory) built a better lineup. Once your filters are finished, you move on to using the player models and lineup builder.
Player Models – Primary Tool (Paid) – This is the primary tool that most players use. This section allows you to build a model of features and traits that are important to you and then return a stats driven rankings of players based on that trend. They also instantly backtest the trend to see if it was more or less successful than existing trends. This is a very powerful tool.

Create top list rankings of all DraftKings PGA Golfers based on various criteria.
There are a lot of professional models available to choose from if you do not want to build your own. You can also tweak each of the models to adjust for your personal preferences. Pinpoint players you want to use.
Create and Optimize Lineups – The Lineup Builder Tool

Build and optimize your golf lineups at DraftKings here.
This is where you can build and optimize a lineup. You can quickly build the statistically best lineup based on historical data at the push of a button. You can even now create multiple lineups at the push of a button. You can lock, remove, weight players how ever you like and the system will generate optimal lineups for you to use on Draftkings.
Let’s go ahead and click create multiple line-ups.

See your exposure to certain players and create multiple lineups with a click of the button.
Use the lineups you like the best on DraftKings.
Multiple lineups at the push of a button – I mentioned this above but felt it needed it’s own comment. Now you can build multiple lineups fast and easy. Say you have a core group of golfers you want. You just lock them into your team and then optimize additional mixed lineups and choose the one that you like the best. It’s a great new feature. You can also change your exposure levels on multiple lineups on each golfer if you are entering a lot of lineups. Too heavy on a golfer? Reduce your exposure and re-create your lineups.
Final Thoughts On Fantasy Labs PGA Tool
As with any tool, it is as only as good as the person using. They give you an absolute ton of data and options to help build your team. If you are playing PGA fantasy golf on even a somewhat regular basis then this tool should be worth a try.
FantasyLabs themselves are the only paid service that I subscribe to currently and I think they are well worth it. If you want to give them a try, now is the time. The Masters is a huge draw for DraftKings for new players so get in there and get that edge now.
Keep On Reading
- Learn more about Fantasy Labs at their website here: (Mark Cuban an investor!).
- My review of FantasyLabs
- Basics of DraftKings Fantasy Golf
- More daily fantasy sports tools
- Fantasy Golf Tips
- Play Fantasy Golf This Week At DraftKings *Lineups lock early Thursday mornings usually!
- This weeks PGA Vegas Odds