Strategy To Help You Win in DFB
Winning real money when playing daily fantasy baseball requires much more than solely picking the “right” players. While strong hitters and a solid pitching core is a necessity, knowing the opponent(s) in which you are matched up against has its benefits as well. And though you may be more than aware of all the most popular players in the league, there are always a few you may be overlooking, and it is these players that may have a huge impact on your daily fantasy teams from day to day.
This, like much of fantasy baseball strategy, comes down to how much effort you, the player, are willing to put in. The more you know who you are playing and how they play, the greater your chances of walking away a winner will be.
Feed On Weaker, Inexperienced Players

Find the easy fish to feed on whenever possible.
Everyone has to start somewhere when playing daily fantasy baseball, and for most people, this is at the low stakes level. Many beginning players use these low buy-in events to get a feel for the site they are playing on and get the hang of how each and every event works. These new players are among the most vulnerable and are, if you play your cards right, just waiting to give you their money.
It may sound like a cheap way to play, and in some people’s eyes it is, but preying on weaker opponents is an incredibly viable way for you to rake in consistent cash. This strategy is not one only to be employed in low-stakes events either. As you play at a given stakes level for a length of time, you will begin to familiarize yourself with some of the players who play the same events as you on a regular basis. As you become more familiar with players, you may be able to pick out tendencies and tactics they employ that you can take advantage of.
Keep in mind, however, that just because a player is perceived as weak or inexperienced, you are in no way guaranteed to win against them.
Minor League Call-Ups, DL Returnees
Another great strategy for any daily fantasy baseball player to employ is that of frequently checking for players who are called up from the Minors and those that are returning from the Disabled List. All too many people completely forego checking these places for players who may help their team.
To be fair, it isn’t a common occurrence that a Minor League call-up makes an immediate impact for their MLB club, but it has happened plenty of times before. It is, on the other hand, quite common that a refreshed player returning from the DL will make an immediate impact on their club’s fortunes.
Check The Bookmaker Odds
If, when picking a daily fantasy baseball team, you are having a difficult time deciding between a given selection of pitchers, making use of popular sportsbooks’ odds can help you make a gainfully insightful decision on who your pitcher(s) should be.
Bookmaker odds are never 100% accurate, but if you are stuck and at a loss, they can definitely help sway your decision quickly and effectively.
Todays Odds